Cold Porridge or Grandad's Breakfast

A lot has happened since my last post.Sadly my lovely mummy died unexpectadly in May leaving Grandad cooking for one.
Even as a passionate and experimental cook I know cooking for one can be a dreary chore,especially when it also means shopping and eating and washing up by yourself as well.
It would be easy to get into a habbit of eating standing up by the cooker or fridge, or spending a lot of time with what Grandad calls " Lonely Guy Meals. "
I have been thinking a lot about food recently. I have spent so much time in the last few years in a basement kitchen in Cafe Boscanova cooking for customers who are mainly strangers. I have had to ask myself other than quickly throwing food together for husband and daughter when was the last time I prepared a meal and sat down with good freinds and loved ones?
When did I last have people over for dinner?
I have spent lots of time looking at funky interesting food to woo our customers but not so much time working on a salad that my almost 13 year old daughter will eat happily and willingly. I make sure that the breakfast veggie sausage patties that we make at the cafe contain all kinds of of pulses, seeds, and grains but i am not always sure what my own girl eats for breakfast.

The next few blogs are going to be about sharing knowledge of food that makes
the necessasity of eating and cookinga little easier and its going to be about food for freinds and family.

I am starting with Grandad's breakfast.I am going to keep in mind mind he is on a budget,he doesnt like to use loads of dishes, and often wants little and light.

Cold Porridge
Yes i am serious ! The best thing about is it tastes a bit like cold rice pudding, but it is better for you. It is made ahead so you can just grab it from the fridge in the morning.
You need
glass measuring jug or bowl
100 gr of porrige
200 gr of milk
3-4 tablespoons of fresh fruit compote
100 grams of greek yougurt.
agave or maple syrup to taste
glass or bowl.(In grandads case the glass with the lid that mother's diabetic chocolate spread came in.)

Cooking porridge in the microwave is so much easier than on top of the stove.
just keep an eye on it so it doesnt overflow

Put 100 gr of porrige in a measuring jug
Fill with milk until it reaches 300 grams
Cover and cook until done stirring a couple of times
Leave to cool in fridge for several hours.

Put cold porridge in a bowl add the yougurt and fruit compote and mix with a fork until smooth. I love to add a drop of rose water at this point to give it a lovely tukish delight flavour, you can add a little cinnamon, or vanilla or just leave it plain.
Pour into glass or bowls. To serve garnish with some more fresh fruit and add a little agave syrup or maple syrup if you like it sweeter.
